Bloggers Unite: Trice interviews Author and Blogger

Recently, I got the opportunity to sit down with Chanell Angeli-- travel blogger turned beauty entrepreneur and author to find out how blogging inspired her to write her new book-- Melt and create Melanin Mermaids-- a bustling, natural skin care line that proves it provides something for all.

Set Standards and Stay the Course

A good friend of mine's favorite saying is "see, what we NOT gone do is!", a statement which is usually followed by a list of various situations that she deems as foolish or monotonous. My response is generally a flail of the legs and a fit of uproarious laughter as I egg her on to talk more and more about what she refuses to partake in. If you know me well, you know that I am the QUEEN of "geeking" people up. I love to hear folks tell it like it is and best of all-- MEAN it. If you know me even better, you probably also know that I have learned to live by the creed of setting standards and actually living by them.

Beasting Multiple Projects

Whew! It's been a minute! Between managing events, my 9-5 as a project manager, house hunting, PM training, and keeping up with my business-- ADOOR, I have failed to blog as often as I would like. And, needless to say-- this has spurred the creation of this blog. I am not the only one juggling out here and I know this. Whether it's school, work, and kids--we all have to make those tough decisions to decide what comes first and how to get it all done. I actually had to sit here and ask myself what was most important to me and the answer that I tried to repeatedly overlook is that it all was. Unfortunately, I realized that I was having difficulty putting enough effort in every bucket. And the hardest part was figuring out why.

Self Indulge

Sometimes you get to a point where you just feel burned out. You're not really sure what's to come and you may not be where you want to be or thought you would be at this point in your life. It everyone. And, I hate to burst your bubble, but while this may be an unprecedented experience for you, it probably won't be the last.

Move Tactically

Every move that you make should be meticulous and calculated. They should be made to compliment you. Tactical Moving is about making each engagement in life a potential power move for you.

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