Self Indulge



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Sometimes you get to a point where you just feel burned out. You're not really sure what's to come and you may not be where you want to be or thought you would be at this point in your life. It everyone. And, I hate to burst your bubble, but while this may be an unprecedented experience for you, it probably won't be the last.

When I say "Self Indulge", I am not telling you to forget your bills or responsibilities, forget your spouse, or your kids. My definition of self indulge is to — even if only for a few hours — to bring your passions, your goals, your fantasies to the forefront. Take a few hours and concentrate solely on you. Whether for you, that involves getting a pedicure, splurging on a few books at Barnes & Noble, or even just going to play basketball with the guys — at some point you cannot live your life consistently thinking of everyone else and never you. You have to feed yourself, literally and figuratively. 
You have to live for YOU. Not your parents, your spouse, not even your kids. It's important — no it's critical to understand that without you being there for your self FIRST — you couldn't possibly be adequate for anyone else. At some point, you have to push aside the the notion of being selfish and literally DO YOU. I've seen so many talented, ambitious people who've practically dissolved into life centered around excelling on the job and making their family happy, that they no longer have a presence themselves. Everyone's situation differs, but I challenge you today: Sit down, grab some wine, and remember what it is that excites you, that makes you want to get up in the morning, that makes you runneth over with passion when you think or talk about it (again, not referring to your spouse or kids!) and DO IT. Those boots you've been wanting? Charge it. That business that you swear would work but haven't truly given it the thought process that's needed to get it off of the ground? Figure it out. 
I implore you — give yourself another chance. If anyone is worth it, it's you.

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Burnt Orange is the New Black

This orange goddess of a dress gave me everything that I needed to make me feel womanly, sophisticated and best of all - sexy. I love piecing things together and I am definitely a blazer/pants type of girl, but every once in a while there comes a dress that distracts me from my tomboy side and reminds me, if only for an hour or so, that I am a woman - and a fierce one.

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