Bloggers Unite: Trice interviews Author and Blogger


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Recently, I got the opportunity to sit down with Chanell Angeli-- travel blogger turned beauty entrepreneur and author to find out how blogging inspired her to write her new book-- Melt and create Melanin Mermaids-- a bustling, natural skin care line that proves it provides something for all.

Trice: Heeey Chanell! I want to thank you for your time and congratulate you on being honored at the upcoming Melt and Martell event! I thought that it would be cool to reach out and ask a few questions since you are a blogger like myself and an entrepreneur as well. I know that you may have some knowledge and experience that may be beneficial for others who may be interested in embarking on the blogging journey or even starting a company of their own. So, tell me a little bit about yourself. Are you currently involved? Do you have any children?
Chanell: When I wrote Melt, I was in a really, really great relationship. That fell apart for other reasons. But, yea! My girls and me, we have our little tribe going on. We're like a real girl power feminist household now-- 
Trice: ::Laughs:: I love it! I don't know if the question was pushy or not, but I like to find out when women have families to tend to and you are still out here bossing up and you have your own lane as you said-- your business and blog going. It's very impressive. I know that as women, we have a lot going on in our lives. I really respect the fact that you have a whole family yet you're out here doing big things. 
Chanell: It's definitely a new age woman that has come along. I was just talking to a male friend of mine about this and he was like women have fought for equality for so long that now they are bringing more to the table than the man is or they are not putting up with certain things that maybe in the 50's and 60's they had to put up with because they really have their own bag, their own purpose, and they're OK with not having to carry somebody through that with them.
Trice: Absolutely. But, women in general are used to juggling. Men are not used to juggling like us. This is nothing for us-- having to balance all of these different things. So what made you get into blogging? Specifically travel blogging?
Chanell: My first blog from four years ago was called "The Young and the Conscious" and it spoke on many issues as far as health and a lot of things that went on in the world community--things that I wanted people to be aware of. After that, I started travelling a lot more to try to find myself, get into my spirituality and meditation. And, it started transferring more into a travel blog. I decided to buy the domain Melanin Mermaids because I was doing some research on some old African religions that are still going on right now in the Yoruba community and one of the African goddesses was Yemaya and she's a mermaid and I love the ocean and she's the goddess of the sea. And, people were like yea! Use the Melanin Mermaid. And, so I ended up buying the domain and doing the travel blog from there and ended the Young and the Conscious. Then I started selling my products from there and then the products took over the website with their success. So, that's kind of how it happened.
Trice: Ok, cool! Yea-- because I was going to ask how did the blogging get into the Melanin Mermaids. Got it. So, if someone was to ask you how to describe Melanin Mermaids and its products, how would you describe it? What do you think you bring? It is a skincare line, right?
Chanell: Right, it's a skincare line. It started off as a bath and body line because we also had a sea salt scrub and an herbal bath product that was really soothing and hydrating for the skin. I ended up cutting those out because I wanted to focus on the skin care-- the body butters and the facial care line-- well, when the book stuff finishes anyway! ::giggles:: If I had to describe it, my products are all natural and scented with essential oils. When you get MELT when you come to the party and you start to read the excerpts, I really believe in getting in line the mind body and spirit. It's not just about a product that's good for your skin but also the essential oils that give that aroma therapy affect. The calming effect of the lavender, the healing affect of the aloe. What I wanted to convey with people through Melanin Mermaids was the message that you can get a product that is stimulating and healing to your mind and spirit and great for your body too. 
Trice: OK, I like the idea behind that-- the fact that it's made from natural products. Do you have anything new coming out?
Chanell: Well, Melt just dropped April 18th, and we're focusing on that. Probably late fall we are going to try to expand to the skin care line and skin care is a really big deal when you start getting into the winter time so we are going again push our core product. I try to keep things under wrap. My Grandma used to always say--if you really want something to happen, only talk to God about it.
Trice: Totally agree! People don't know how to do that. Just be quiet and chill out!  Well that pretty much wraps it up. I do appreciate you giving me some of your time. I wish you nothing but success and favor in everything that you tackle in the future. So that I can keep in contact with you, could you give me your social media handles?
IG: chanellangelii
Business IG: _melanin_mermaids
FB: melaninmermaids
Trice: Well, thanks again for your time and I'm looking forward to meeting you at the event!

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